Sunday 11 September 2016

Day "I've lost count" Vis Com continues again...

Okay my logo has gone through changes and the design concept is really representing the ideas I wanted it to. Important to me is the Taranaki Mountain, that is the foremost idea I want to convey. So in the positive space I will show the Mountain and ranges and in the negative space is the D and M of Digital Mountain. I have gone with a colorful spectrum in the design because I really like it. It reminds me of a test print on a printer for color balance and has a real connection for me with digital printing, at least it conveys that feeling through to me.

Here it is ion the black version for light colored areas on photos.

Here are what I call my color bars. They are for use with letter head and business cards. And at the bottom is my photo bar. All to be used in conjunction with each other.

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