Wednesday 6 July 2016

Part 02- Taking the photos for Bee body parts and textures...

I have done the shooting in my house. I have a white dining table and it makes for a good background to shoot against and is easy to select and cut out the parts of the image I want...

Here is my reference BEE. I wanted it to be in flight...

Here are the original photos of ORGANIC components that I will create the bee from. I had to think about the shapes I needed and where I could find them in the environment and from fruits and vegetables around me that I had access too...

I used a stick to join these two Yams into a shape that reflected the shape in the body of the reference bee above.

 This kiwifruit has a nice hairy texture that I can use on my bee. Thay are actually little fury creatures...

And there we have it. I will do the cut outs of the parts I think best to use and post them next...

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