Wednesday 6 July 2016

Part 03- The cut outs, body parts and textures...

I found cutting these out very easy since the last time I had a bunch of things to cut out. When planning to cut out images and planning that into the photo-shoot makes cutting out much easier.

Here are the cut out parts to be used in the composition of my BEE...

The piece in the middle of this flower will be the Antennae of my Bee...

These yams will be the main part of the body... 

This will be the bees eye...

I will use the fur as a texture on the bees back...

Bees have a kind of a small beak or nose thingy...

Going to use this as honey or pollen for the bee to carry...

These branches will be the bees top set of legs...

I'm only going to use the apple stalk to make the sting of the bee. My reference bee has no sting, but I've taken creative licence here to meet the brief and have ten parts used in creating the creature... 

Tree leafs will make the bees wings... 

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